What’s the big idea?

January 15, 2019

Sometimes you simply must have a painting big enough.  And sometimes you simply must have a painting RED enough!  Those of you who have followed my work over the years already know this.  I love red.  There are times when no other color will do the trick for me.  Nothing activates a canvas or enlivens a space like the color red. 

My favorite red is Gamblin Perlylene Red.  (There, now you know my secret). It’s a transparent oil color. That’s something very important to me given my painting approach.  I’ll be writing in depth about why transparency in oil paint is essential (sometimes) in a future blog. 

In this nine foot tall painting titled “Lone Pine Maples”  I’ve added pinks, oranges and opaque red oil paint over the perylene red to create a tension filled color composition and an interesting surface.  The overall effect of the combination is very active almost “jangley.” 

Sometimes big really is better.  Never underestimate the power of scale.  Never underestimate the power of jangle. 

“In the jingle jangle mornin’, I’ll come following you”

– Bob Dylan –

Keep in touch, 


Large painting of bright red trees, abstract, colorful
“Lone Pine Maples”
Oil on Canvas, 108×60