Time To Move On

March 9, 2023

Well, here’s a snapshot of my world! We’ve moved out of our downtown Kalispell studio and gallery and I’m moving box after box into my new painting studio just north of the paddocks and stables at our home. Exciting changes, but what a project! Couldn’t have accomplished it without the help of three generations of family! Thanks especially to daughters Carly and Sarsten and grandson Oliver.

“Yeah, it’s time to move on, time to get goin’”
Tom Petty

Let’s keep in touch,


It Takes A Great Team

February 14, 2023

After all these years of experience I can state without reservation you never know for sure how things will go when a new show goes up. I’m happy to report that Tulsa was very good to us last Thursday!

Kudos to Mary Ann, Sheila, Luke, and Paige at M.A. Doran Gallery for successfully placing red dots on fourteen paintings on opening night of my art exhibit. I’m grateful to have such a talented team!

Let’s keep in touch,


Big News!

January 27, 2023

There’s a major change on the horizon for Carly, Jackie and me. On the first of March we’ll pass the torch (and the keys to the building) to our friends, artist Tessa Heck and her husband, architect Zach George, who are leasing the space. On that date a new chapter in the story of 127 Main Street begins!

February is moving month. We’ll maintain normal business hours until February 7th. Stop in and see us.

My art practice will continue without interruption. I’m moving to a newly transformed studio space. I’ll still be happy to see you and will welcome studio visits. Give me a call.

Jackie and I will have a lot more free time for family and travel. Oh, and skiing, sailing and walking our French Bulldog, Judy, of course.

Stay tuned for more news, and be sure and stop by Montana Modern Fine Art and pick up that art piece you’ve been dreaming of!

Let’s keep in touch,


Whatcha Lookin’ At?

January 18, 2023

Here’s a significantly abstracted iteration of a small pond just north of town. I certainly could have adhered more closely to the actual scene, but I believe this depiction allows the viewer to be more engaged with the painterly aspects of the piece. I’d like to think that the initial “conversation” with the painting be centered on things such as color, line and form, as opposed to things such as tree, sky and water.

Marshall Noice | Off Rose Crossing, Pond | Oil on Canvas | 20×20″ | 2,500.

This smallish painting is destined for the walls of M.A. Doran Gallery in Tulsa.

Let’s keep in touch,


Heading To T-Town

January 10, 2023

I’ve been on a roll with pastels recently. I’ll be sending twenty or more small works to M.A. Doran Gallery in Tulsa for my upcoming show. I’m heading to the gallery for the reception on Thursday, February 9. Join us for the festivities.

We’ll be livin’ on Tulsa time. For a couple of days anyway!

Let’s keep in touch,


Misty Morning

December 27,2022

A couple of weeks ago, before we plunged into deep freeze temperatures, I posted a picture of an exquisitely sublime view of an early morning scene. The subtle blues, greens, and violets of that landscape must have rambled around in my subconscious. Because this recently finished work bears a distinct resemblance to those exact colors. I think the painting possesses a decidedly quiet feel.

Marshall Noice | Misty Morning | Oil on Canvas | 48×36″ | 8,400.

I can’t always put my finger on where my inspiration comes from, but in this case I know exactly.

By the way, the cold spell has broken and we’re back up in the thirties after a week of nearly 30 below! Coldest temps since 1989 we’re told.

Let’s keep in touch,


Opening Day on Big Mountain!

December 13, 2022

We had a wonderful three generation ski with my Grandson Oliver and son in law Austin last Tuesday. Our early snowfall has been exceptional here in Northwest Montana and we enjoyed every inch of it. I’m happy to report that my pre season training allowed me to keep up with the youngsters. Whew!

Check out our hill at skiwhitefish.com

Let’s keep in touch,
